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Please use the following sites for research, informational, and educational purposes. The content of each of the following webpages, however, is the sole responsibility of the administrators of those sites. Mr. Bernard's Tech Page can not be held accountable for the contents therein.

Travel the world and the universe at the click of a mouse

Howstuffworks explains and breaks down the mechanism of things the place where you can forge your audacity to create sound projects and more on the net

Conduct your research on youtube or open an account there. There's a wealth of educational videos to learn from or through your account upload your own​

Please address all of your math concerns at

The place where educators at all levels can gleefully come for their research

All sorts of resources for your classrooms can be found there. Please be gentle on the duck

Free universal access to rare books to download

You now can put your hand on some of the most sacred texts

​If you ever wonder, this the very site to learn about the wonders of the universe

The very quotes that you would need in circumstances that would make them very handy. Copyrighted materials!

A poem about "Black History Month" that you might enjoy reading and to further give you something to think about. Copyrighted Material!

Jean Jacques Dessalines, Founder of the Empire of Hayti. Please click on the link to look at the book on Haitian History, written by S.G. Steward. 


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